Competition Results!!! Cyber Force + NCL

Hello everyone, EHC has great news!
Last weekend EHC sent a team to compete in the Department of Energy's Cyber Force Competition in St. Charles Illinois. This event focusses heavily on defending systems from incessant attacks from a trained red team. Last year our team placed in 41st out of the roughly 90 teams, but this year we had a marked improvement and placed 15th! Congratulations to Luke, Marshall, Matthew, Hemant, Walker, and Jon on this stellar performance. Growths like these are what EHC strives to make on all fronts!

Cyber Force was not the only competition EHC proved itself in last week! We also formed a second team to compete in Cyber Skyline's National Cyber League (NCL) competition. This team also achieved results proving AUEHC's efforts and commitment towards cyber excellence. The team of 6 including Brad (me), Cooper, Matthew, David, Bo, and Eris placed 12th out of 4898 teams after the weekend long event. The competition was a all around CTF with topics ranging from Forensic Analyses to OSI Investigations. Congratulations to these competitors and their well earned results!

Are you interested in competing for AUEHC? As a club we plan to expand our participation in events like these and to do that we need willing participants who can build each other up as teammates. Next semester we plan on competing in SECCDC and some CTF competitions, keep an ear out about events so you don't miss out. Also don't hesitate to reach out to officers on the Discord Server about events and to express your interest!