Kickoff Spring 2021

For our first meeting of 2021, we discussed some of the topics and events coming up in the spring semester.

Club Overview

Current Leadership

Our current and past list of officers in the club can be found on our about page of the website here: (

Looking for Leadership

There are currently two vacant officer roles in the club that we are looking to fill, a treasurer and a web manager. The treasurer is responsible for managing the club’s finances and our relationship with club sponsors. The web manager will be responsible for posting these writeups, event updates, and other club information to the website. Additionally, they would also help improve the design and layout of the website. Experience with jekyll/web development would be useful, but is not required.

T-shirt competition

We have not received many applications for our T-shirt competition, so we are pushing the deadline back a month. However keep sending us those submissions, the more the better!

Why Choose Cyber?

Cybersecurity is a large industry that is in very high demand right now, many companies are in need of security experts to help secure their systems. It’s projected that this year, there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs around the world and the current cybersecurity unemployment rate is 0% ( Most importantly however, cyber is fun! Resolving a cyber attack incident feels like solving a mystery, as you put the puzzle pieces together to form a picture of what happened, and that’s just one aspect of cybersecurity.

What we do

Each week, we will give a lecture on a particular aspect of cybersecurity for the first half of the meeting. Then for the second half, we will usually have a lab that allows people to put the knowledge from the lecture into practice and learn some skills. In addition to these regular meetings, we have a few ongoing cybersecurity projects that you can ask the officers about if you would like to be involved. We also participate in regular capture the flag, or CTF, competitions. These include ones hosted by other schools and organizations and our very own AUCTF 2021 sometime toward the end of the semester.

Plans for Spring 2021

We plan to cover more defensive security topics this semester, as compared to last semester where we delved more into offensive security. The first topic we plan to cover is digital forensics, looking at disk and network analysis, file recovery, and memory analysis. Then we will look at reverse engineering, which will cover static and dynamic malware analysis, an assembly crash course, and video game hacking. Then we will go over binary exploitation, looking at buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities, and return-oriented programming.
