Weekly Meeting: 3/26 (Reversing)

Hello everyone, as we begin to close in on the end of the semester, we have a really interesting series of labs/lectures planned revolving around Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis. This will be a 3 part series stretched across multiple weekly meetings and we highly recommend you attend them all for a full experience. The meetings will be headed by Tyler who will be introducing reverse engineering, the mindset behind it and how to perform basic static and dynamic analysis.

Before coming to EHC this Tuesday, try to download these OVAs that contain a windows XP machine for analysis of malware.  Or if you feel more inclined, set one up yourself! But please at least have a x32 windows machine (preferably windows 7 or xp) set up before you come! It will make your lives way easier.

https://aub.ie/re-vm (VMWare OVA)
https://aub.ie/re-vm-vb (VirtualBox OVA)

Weekly Meetings are held in Shelby 3129 at 5:00PM

p.s. officer nominations are due on Tuesday as well, so if you are interested in being an officer, submit those by then! (officer nominations are only open to paying EHC members, and the submission form is found in the ehc-members channel of the Discord)

Have a great rest of your week!